We Flex for Unisex
The Market is high but the Holy Spirit is low on the fandom list. In this episode — if you hang around long enough — you'll hear an unsolicited apology to their listeners, an accidental conversation about self-awareness, and why Hartley and Kevin appreciate women's bathrooms.
Show Notes:
Show Notes:
- The referenced quote (corrected and expanded here): "50% contend that the Holy Spirit is not a real, living being but is merely a symbol of God’s power, presence, or purity" is stated in Arizona Christian University Cultural Research Center's American Worldview Inventory 2021 and can be found by clicking this link.
- True growth in Spiritual Transformation cannot happen without Self-Knowledge, Self-Examination and Confession. This is why Hartley discusses a small part of this process in this episode. One moves toward spiritual wholeness through an intentional practice of allowing God to show you the strengths of your personality and how you are living those well, as well as how the compulsions of your false self (your 'shadow side') are playing themselves out in your life. The practice of noticing might not seem like much, but it can open up avenues and opportunities for change, and help you discover a truer response which comes from love and faith and being given over to God.
- This is the third episode to include the nuisance of imitation advertising. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to return this podcast to an ad-free experience soon.
- The podcast EnneagramU can be discovered on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, vufaith.com or wherever you listen.
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Tweet™ to us | @FaithMoneyBomb — WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!!
Leave a comment via Email | f.bombs@hartleywright.com — no listeners have to date, so you can be the first.
Show Credits:
- Sounds by Zapsplat
- Musical underscores by Zapsplat
- Additional Sound Effects from Pixabay
- Announcer: Dr. K.J. Wright
- Podcast Theme: Catch It Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay
- Disclaimer Theme: Night Bossa by OYStudio from Pixabay